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Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 1
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 2
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 3
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 4
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 5
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 6
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 7
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 8
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 9
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 10
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 11
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 12
Võ Luyện Đỉnh Phong chap 3602 - Trang 13
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Đều là anh da đen thực lực phi thường nhưng lại ngu hơn Mặc tộcemo
Phuoc Ung
Phuoc Ung Cấp 4
Fun fact: nếu bạn đọc được dòng này, xin chúc mừng cho số phận của bạn. Bạn đã dính 1 lời nguyền! Nó đã được kể rằng, kể từ lúc bạn đọc được thứ này - từ nay về sau cuộc sống của bạn sẽ rất thành công, gia đình hạnh phúc, thành tích đầy tường. Nếu muốn kéo dài lời nguyền thì hãy gửi nó cho 5 bộ truyện khác nhau, mỗi lần gửi nó lên bạn sẽ bị nguyền thêm 10 năm! Chúc bạn một ngày hạnh phúc
Nguyễn Bá
Nguyễn Bá Cấp 4
Đột phá chưaemo
Không Khí Lạnh
Lão nhị muốn kiểm soát nhục thân vì nhìn trúng 2 vị phu nhân rồiemo
emocheck tv
D Cấp 5
To whoever reads this,

i love you

i love your smile
i love your laugh
i love your personality
i love your hair (or lack thereof)
i love your insecurities
i love your accomplishments
i love your failures
i love your eyes
i love your beauty
i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
i love the way you dance
i love you on your happy days
i love you on your sad days
i love you on the days you feel lonely
i love you on the days you feel helpless
i love you on the days you feel like no one cares
i love you on the days you feel forgotten
i love you on the days you feel unmotivated
i love you on the days you feel loved
i love you on the days you feel sick
i love you on the days you feel motivated
i love you on the days you feel depressed
i love you on the days you feel stresses
i love you on the days you feel crazy
i love you on the days you feel hopeful
i love you on the days you feel cuddly
i love you on the days you feel clingy
i love you on the days you feel amazing
i love you on the days you feel beautiful
i love you on the days you feel like a failure
i love you on the days you feel angry
i love you on the days you feel aggressive
i love you on the days you feel horrible
i love you on the days you feel safe
i love you on the days you feel unsafe
i love you on the days you feel vulnerable
i love you on the days you feel weird
i love you on the days you feel ok
i love you when you're healthy
i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
i love your taste in music
i love your taste in movies
i love your taste in tv shows
i love the way you move
i love the way you act
i love you when you cry
i love you when you're kind
i love you when you're mean
i love you when you're alone
i love you when you can't feel
i love you when you feel too much
i love you when you can't take life anymore
i love you when you feel like it's too much
i love you when you're asleep
i love you when you have nightmares
i love you when you have dreams
i love how you believe
i love you when you believe in yourself
i love you when you don't believe in yourself
i love you when you hate yourself
i love you when you love yourself
i love the way you think
i love you problems
i love your solutions
i love how you support
i love you when you're in pain
i love you when you're hurt
i love your promises
i love your secrets
i love your attitude
i love you sass
i love your creativity
i love your voice (or lack thereof)
i love you hand gestures
i love your stories
i love your wounds
i love your scars
i love your face
i love your past
i love your future
i love your present
i love your outfits
i love your style
i love your art
i love your honesty
i love you when you lie
i love you when you're tired
i love you when you're energetic
i love how you look
i love how you cook
i love you when you're adventurous
i love you when you're scared
i love your imperfections
i love your perfections
D Cấp 5
i love you when you worry
i love you when you talk (or communicate)
i love your opinions
i love you when you have a headache
i love you when you have a stomach ache
i love you when you help others
i love you when you need help
i love you when you're mature
i love you when you're immature
i love you in the hard times
i love you in the easy times
i love you when life is meh
i love you when you're responsible
i love you when you're irresponsible
i love you when you fight
i love you in your darkest moments
i love you in your brightest moments
i love your heart
i love you in the day
i love you in the night
i love you at midnight
i love you at 3 am
i love you at all times
i love you at your best
i love you at your worst
i love the little things you do

i love all of you
i love you when you're you

i love 𝙮𝙤𝙪.

From the stranger on the internet who loves you :)
Nguyễn Kha
Nguyễn Kha Cấp 4
Uyên Lê
Uyên Lê Cấp 5
Gantz VN
Gantz VN Cấp 3
Check emo
Thích Chym USUK
Già Cấp 4
Lập gà
Lập gà Cấp 4
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