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Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 1
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 2
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 3
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 4
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 5
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 6
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 7
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 8
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 9
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 10
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 11
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 12
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 13
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 14
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 15
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 16
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 17
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 18
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 19
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms chap 4 - Trang 20
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User 123
User 123 Ẩn danh
Truyện này làm tôi liên tưởng tới truyện Sherlock Holmes mà trong đó Xeno là Holmes còn ông kiến trúc sư kia như là Giáo sư Moriarty vậy.
D Ẩn danh
Sát thủ đi chê người khác máu lạnh, thấy người chết không đổi sắc mặt? Nhỏ này làm sát thủ kiếu quái gì vậy.
Kayn Cấp 1
Mắt diều hâu chuyển sinh akemo